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http://cineplus.adetroniktv.com:8000/get.php?username=VelaSoft&password=hDZDEWo33I&type=m3u | Active | 10/27/2018 - Unlimited | Max Connections: 50 | 51 Connected | Real Url: amx.adetroniktv.com | Time Zone: Europe/Zurich
http://tv.minhalista.me/get.php?username=abc&password=123456&type=m3u | Active | 11/08/2018 - 07/11/2019 | Max Connections: 1 | 1 Connected | Real Url: tv.factoryiptv.com | Time Zone: America/Sao_Paulo
http://live.darkside-iptv.com:8080/get.php?username=380195b36f82&password=zX7gyZyINq&type=m3u | Active | 11/04/2018 - 11/04/2019 | Max Connections: 1 | 0 Connected | Real Url: live.darkside-iptv.com | Time Zone: Europe/Berlin
http://thejoker-toptv.ddns.net/get.php?username=Luca20&password=OWmD8IOyQd&type=m3u | Banned | 04/02/2019 - 04/02/2020 | Max Connections: 1 | 0 Connected | Real Url: thejoker-toptv.ddns.net | Time Zone: Europe/Rome
http://iptv.clines.cc/get.php?username=MLoFzReQFF&password=yR77LCS5SK&type=m3u | Active | 08/13/2018 - 08/13/2019 | Max Connections: 1 | 1 Connected | Real Url: fast.vlines.cc | Time Zone: UTC
http://tv.minhalista.me/get.php?username=pierre&password=1234&type=m3u | Active | 08/02/2018 - 06/29/2019 | Max Connections: 1 | 1 Connected | Real Url: tv.factoryiptv.com | Time Zone: America/Sao_Paulo
http://iptv-company.dyndns.org:19553/get.php?username=8000&password=8000&type=m3u | Active | 09/06/2018 - 07/11/2019 | Max Connections: 1 | 1 Connected | Real Url: companygroup.dyndns.org | Time Zone: Europe/Rome
http://tv.minhalista.me/get.php?username=1234&password=1234&type=m3u | Expired | 05/23/2019 - 06/22/2019 | Max Connections: 1 | 0 Connected | Real Url: tv.factoryiptv.com | Time Zone: America/Sao_Paulo
http://p5.giffy.be:8080/get.php?username=RghyHCIE4i&password=SDrQatrZkx&type=m3u | Active | 05/26/2019 - 06/26/2019 | Max Connections: 1 | 1454 Connected | Real Url: p5.giffy.be | Time Zone: UTC
http://ip.tv4k.be:8000/get.php?username=K6dVOJGgwb&password=cVyHasiGXe&type=m3u | Active | 08/06/2018 - 08/06/2019 | Max Connections: 1 | 0 Connected | Real Url: iptv.iptivihd.com | Time Zone: Europe/Brussels
http://newlook-secure.com:80/get.php?username=mrx_529a72&password=315125&type=m3u | Banned | 09/25/2018 - 07/10/2019 | Max Connections: 1 | 0 Connected | Real Url: newlook.to | Time Zone: Europe/Rome
http://sv1.iptvcasa.online:25461/get.php?username=13122&password=13122&type=m3u | Active | 05/10/2019 - 08/11/2019 | Max Connections: 1 | 1 Connected | Real Url: sv1.floriuiptv.com | Time Zone: Europe/Athens | Active | 07/02/2018 - Unlimited | Max Connections: 0 | 5 Connected | Real Url: | Time Zone: Europe/Athens
http://maxptv.ddns.net:25461/get.php?username=monica1&password=1234&type=m3u | Active | 04/27/2019 - 04/27/2021 | Max Connections: 1 | 1 Connected | Real Url: maxptv.ddns.net | Time Zone: America/Sao_Paulo
http://maxptv.ddns.net:25461/get.php?username=daniela1&password=1234&type=m3u | Active | 05/09/2019 - 05/09/2021 | Max Connections: 1 | 1 Connected | Real Url: maxptv.ddns.net | Time Zone: America/Sao_Paulo
http://ip.tv4k.be:8000/get.php?username=atlnnntaokn001&password=9IiP23211XFGg&type=m3u | Active | 01/26/2018 - 07/01/2019 | Max Connections: 50 | 26 Connected | Active | 04/10/2019 - Unlimited | Max Connections: 0 | 25 Connected
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http://voxtv.dynns.com:8000/get.php?username=USA&password=USA&type=m3u | Active | 06/20/2018 - Unlimited | Max Connections: 20 | 45 Connected
http://xcasting.mine.nu:29321/get.php?username=catchup&password=uB8IMf27GX&type=m3u | Active | 08/30/2017 - Unlimited | Max Connections: 100 | 40 Connected
http://id.warungtv.com:8888/get.php?username=Adhie&password=Indonesia45&type=m3u | Active | 05/26/2019 - 06/26/2019 | Max Connections: 1 | 1 Connected
http://ipx6.streamstorm.to:8005/get.php?username=tmp-test&password=tmp-test1&type=m3u | Active | 12/27/2016 - Unlimited | Max Connections: 0
http://iptv.csvix.net:8080/get.php?username=andrew&password=123&type=m3u | Active | 06/16/2019 - 07/16/2019 | Max Connections: 1 | 1 Connected
http://bnm.tithis.com:2015/get.php?username=germanyaktm&password=5zEcuCjb1D&type=m3u | Active | 09/30/2018 - Unlimited | Max Connections: 0 | 225 Connected
http://m-iptv.net:6204/get.php?username=HC92wlgzWN&password=4AZR3HHcvd&type=m3u | Active | 11/27/2018 - 11/27/2019 | Max Connections: 1 | 0 Connected
http://streamtv.com.br:8880/get.php?username=malek&password=malek&type=m3u | Active | 04/03/2019 - Unlimited | Max Connections: 100 | 58 Connected
http://tons.news:8080/get.php?username=salon164&password=salon164&type=m3u | Active | 12/20/2018 - 08/30/2019 | Max Connections: 1 | 4 Connected
http://darknetiptv.ddns.net:25461/get.php?username=billy&password=billy&type=m3u | Disabled | 04/04/2019 - 04/04/2020 | Max Connections: 1 | 0 Connected
http://ok2.se:8000/get.php?username=sOkW9aYKRo&password=vLnZGqdbsX&type=m3u | Active | 03/13/2019 - 07/16/2019 | Max Connections: 1 | 1 Connected
http://s1.electru.biz:8080/get.php?username=christiana&password=christiana&type=m3u | Active | 06/12/2019 - 07/12/2019 | Max Connections: 1
http://hall2mark.ddns.net/get.php?username=abbey&password=abbey&type=m3u | Active | 12/14/2018 - 12/15/2019 | Max Connections: 1 | 1 Connected
http://clientbox.tv:80/get.php?username=pkKzs0rdcq&password=NhUWo1n3DC&type=m3u | Active | 09/28/2018 - 09/29/2019 | Max Connections: 1 | 0 Connected
http://iptv.csvix.net:8080/get.php?username=milton&password=123&type=m3u | Active | 05/04/2019 - 07/04/2019 | Max Connections: 1 | 0 Connected
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